Wednesday, March 12, 2025
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science

ISSN(ONLINE) :2521-0793
ISSN :(PRINT) :2521-0785

Volume 2 - Issue 5

Paper Type: Conceptual Paper
Title: Challenging patriarchal articulations of the professional identity and dominant discourses of learning and teaching in academia
Research Area: Social Science
Author(s): Antoinette D’amant 

Abstract: As a South African educator for inclusion and social justice, it is essential to be self-reflective about all aspects of identity which relate to diversity and differential power relations. Towards this end, I am part of a group of critical academics and practitioners committed to researching ourselves within the context of autobiographical studies. We employ various visual methodologies as tools for developing reflexivity as part of personal and professional transformation and social awareness. This conceptual paper is a result of one of these exercises and is based on critical reflection of an artwork of mine which has as its central focus a portrait of me and my horse, a gentle 15-year-old Chestnut gelding, against a backdrop of the medieval labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral in France. This exercise initially began as a process of artistic creation indulging aspects of my experiences and interests. Critical reflection on the artwork uncovered embedded commentary on the densely charged political context of the challenges and possibilities of educating for social justice within academia. This paper discusses how the equine perspective and the lost feminine aspect of knowledge could inform teaching and learning strategies that contribute to a critical pedagogy which challenges masculine articulations of the professional identity and dominant discourses in academia. Despite progressive policies, educators still need to develop new ways of teaching which challenge the prevailing system of social relations; and disrupt and unsettle the stereotypical assumptions of a dominant masculine discourse in academia.

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: The Role of the Nigerian Media in a Depressed Economy
Research Area: Social Science
Author(s): Aduku Armstrong Idachaba

Abstract: This paper examines the functionality of the media in a challenging or depressed economy. Over the years the Nigerian economy has witnessed a down turn-and this has had a more than telling effect on all the spheres of the social and economic lives of the people. Question to answer is what role can the media play in a depressed economy- can the media be a source for economic growth? Can the media be therapeutic in offering Psychological, social or material intervention? How can the media survive the economic downturn? In Nigeria, some analyst has argued that the patronage of media, may have declined over the years, due to the economic recession, but this may not be exactly true as evidence suggest that media patronage and consumption may have sustained or increased in certain areas. Question, therefore, is how has the media managed to sustain in spite of the depression. There are several theories related to the different functions of the media. According to Harold Laswell (1948) and Charles Wright (1960)-there are five functional approaches the media serves people. These according to include surveillance, correlation, transmission, entertainment and mobilization. After a careful and thorough observation of trends in the media sector, and after discussions and content analysis the researcher observes that indeed Nigerian media, especially in its entertainment function by its packaging and delivery offers a lot of psychological and material benefits to the people on one hand and the artists on the other. The paper posits that media orientation and focus is at times defined by the propensities and socio-psychological frame of those consuming media contents.

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Advancing Legal Consciousness in South Africa: Using Law as an Instrument of Social Change
Research Area: Law and Social Science
Author(s): Desan Iyer and Dev. D. Tewari

Abstract: The article argues that there is a dire need in South Africa to build a legally conscious society where the layperson can understand and insist on their legal rights, whilst also respecting the rights of others. Despite South Africa, being a beautiful country and a popular tourist destination, a large percentage of people live in rural areas, largely uneducated, and living in poverty, with limited legal awareness and resources. The lack of access to private legal practitioners and justice are barriers to protecting human rights, despite a well-intended Constitution. With the high level of crime in the country, coupled with poverty and exorbitant legal costs, the need to assist the disadvantaged, and create a legally conscious society, has never been greater. This article will seek to explore creative ways in which the common citizen can become legally proficient and protected, without a total reliance on the traditional legal bodies and processes. It will be argued that adopting a legal realist approach, together with counter-hegemonic practices, can assist in transforming a one-dimensional legal system into one that is legally conscious, people-focused, and interactive.

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Adult Literacy: Bridging the Gender Divide to Empower Rural Women for Ghana’s Development
Research Area: Social Science
Author(s): Kofi Poku Quan-Baffour and Thomas Jerome Yeboah

Abstract: Women in rural Ghana have been at disadvantage in all aspects of life since time immemorial. Cultural stereotypes have always kept women in the background or at best at the fringes of socio-economic and political activities. The patriarchal cultural stereotypes have been a barrier to the education of girl children in rural Ghana. In most cases the boy child is sent to school and the girl is either denied that opportunity or covertly and overtly encouraged to drop out of school to learn home chores in preparation for marriage or motherhood. This cultural practice does not only militate against women’ true participation in socio-economic and political activities but also makes them dependent on men. It is assumed that lack of basic education i.e. illiteracy is a serious hindrance to rural women’s initiative and participation in the country’s development and without bridging this cultural divide the country’s development might continue to be hindered and slow. The authors used the results of a qualitative research approach to validate the above assumption. Six hundred rural women from three regions in Ghana were randomly selected to participate in the exploratory study. The study found out that lack of basic education among rural women is a great hindrance to Ghana’s socio-economic and political advancement. The paper therefore recommends an effective national literacy drive to empower women for effective participation in the country’s development.

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Factors that Determine the Academic Success for Non-traditional Students Enrolled at a Zimbabwean Institution of Higher Learning
Research Area: Social Science
Author(s): Prince Dzingirayi, Levison Maunganidze, Edgar Dzehonye, and Pauline Chitiga

Abstract: The research sought to assess the factors that determine the academic success of non-traditional enrolled at Zimbabwean institutions of Higher Learning. The study employed qualitative methods of data collection and analysis.  A phenomenological research design was adopted to explore the factors that determine academic pathways of non-traditional students.  The study made use of self-administered semi structured interview questions.  A sample of non-traditional students was employed and a thematic content analysis was used to analyze data from a captive population of non-traditional students. The purposive sampling was to select the captive respondents of masters’ students at MSU. The study found out that, the multiple roles faced by non-traditional students caused them to face the countless challenges to academic factors. The factors that determines that academic pathway includes self-motivation, group discussion, and hardworking, linking knowledge with experience. The study noted that factors which can hamper success include accommodation, financial constraint and lack of network form family members and this was mainly lopsided to affect women than men. The study recommends that all programs designed for no-traditional students should be conducted in focal points such as big town like Harare, Bulawayo, Mutare and many more. The department should make sure that accommodation of non-traditional students is readily available every time non-traditional students visited the campus.

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Making a Case for the Convergence of the Trade and Investment Regimes: Advancing Factors Supporting the Paradigm Shift
Research Area: Social Science
Author(s): Abubakar Isa Umar

Abstract: Elementarily, at least within the business environment, any discussions regarding an economic activity posit international trade and investment to be connected. Even to the discerning economist, businessman or policy maker, transfer of goods from one point to the other, provisions of services and direct investment ought to, rationally, be covered in one and the same agreement. However, this has not been possible under international law despite evident historical reasons approving such. International law manages trade and investment independently of each other. The separation of trade and investment has both historical and economic undertones that eventually led to the development of bifurcation in the legal regimes that regulate them. Though some commentators argued that the objectives of the two regimes are different, reality dictates otherwise, as both are seen to be ultimately deeply concerned with efficiency and the liberalization of economic activities; as such the investor and/or trader are not oblivious of the protections provided by the regimes of international trade and international investment law. So should the chicken come home to roost? For example, the principle of non-discrimination is at the heart of international economic law and is present in both regimes but has, at the same time, been interpreted and applied incoherently and inconsistently in both, significantly more in investment law than in trade law. As such, this article introduces varying justifications for the convergence of the two important regimes of international economic law. The main idea is to see whether these factors can aid in the convergence thesis advocated. The conclusion reached is that these convergence factors provide enough grounds and justifications for the future convergence of the regimes of trade and investment.