Thursday, March 13, 2025
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science

ISSN(ONLINE) :2521-0793
ISSN :(PRINT) :2521-0785

Volume 1 - Issue 6

Paper Type: Literature Review
Title:  Transitioning from a Religious to a Secular State: The teaching of Religious and Moral Education in Namibian schools
Research Area:  Social Science
Author(s): Ananias Iita, Suama P. Nantanga, Eveline O. Anyolo

Abstract: This paper discusses the importance of teaching Religious and Moral Education (RME) in the Namibia education system while honoring the Namibia Constitution. RME introduces learners to different religious beliefs and traditions, as well as to the moral values of those religions. It provides opportunities for learners to become aware of their own responses to the current moral, social and religious issues, as well as to reflect on their own beliefs and moral values. At the same time, RME challenges learners and helps them to be more receptive to other religions and to culturally diverse societies (Iita, 2012), as provided by the Namibian democratic Constitution. This position paper reviews literature on the importance of teaching RME in Namibia schools while taking into consideration the Namibia Constitution which allows the teaching of different religions in school. The authors of this paper believe that RME sets high moral standards and values and encourages a society where learners’ lived experiences must be measured against commonly accepted religious norms and values. Knowledge gained from studying RME enables learners to view issues in different ways. Since this is a position paper, findings might not represent the feelings of all the Namibian people about the teaching of RME in Namibian schools. However, as people have different views regarding the teaching of RME in schools, this study will contribute toward people understands of other religions, to accept and to tolerate religious diversity.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Effect of customer-driven marketing strategy on market share of telecommunication organisation (case study of MTN Nigeria Limited)
Research Area:  Marketing Strategy
Author(s): Adeoti, J.O. Ph.D., Gbadeyan, R.A. Ph.D. Olawale, Y.A., Adeyemi Emmanuel Adewale

Abstract: This paper assessed the impact of customer-driven marketing strategy on market share of MTN (Nig) PLC. Specific objectives are to examine the effect of customer-driven marketing strategy on customer retention and to find out the impact of customer-driven marketing strategy on market share of MTN (Nig) Ltd. Data for the study were collected through the questionnaire administration from marketing staff of the company. A 5-point likert scale was designed to capture and measure variables relating to impact of customer-driven marketing strategy on market share in MTN (Nig) PLC. The hypotheses were tested using Regression Analysis tool with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Version 17.0). The calculated P-value of 0.000 (positive) was less than the tabulated value of 0.05 at 95% level of confidence. The study concluded that customer-driven marketing strategy has positive and significant impact on market share.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Willingness or Capability to Protect Lives: Considering the Current Displacement Crisis in Iraq and Syria
Research Area:  International Law/Middle Eastern Politics/Security Studies
Author(s): Maneli Bagherzadehahangar

Abstract: What are the impacts of both Iraq’s and Syria’s ongoing internal displacement crises on the international community? Can the enormity of the two internally displaced communities be considered as an international security threat? What are the roles of international community towards internally displaced crises? More importantly, what are the alternatives that can be done by the international community, including states, nongovernment organizations and private donors? This paper will focus on the current displacement crisis in Iraq and Syria as well as whether the issue of state’s sovereignty applies to such failed states to prevent international community’s intervention. It will also offer alternatives toward handling the current conflict of displacement and the need for effective enforcement, not only for the benefit of IDPs, but also to prevent security threats toward other states.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: An exploration of the factors affecting learner satisfaction with e-learning at the Zimbabwe Open University
Research Area:  Education
Author(s): Tavonga Njaya, Stanley I. Murangwa

Abstract: Worldwide, e-learning is emerging as the new paradigm of modern education due to rapid developments in information and technology. Despite its successful implementation, little is known about why a significant number of e-learning projects fail to achieve their goals and why learners and lecturers stop online learning after their initial experience. The current study sought to explore the critical factors affecting learners’ satisfaction in e-learning at the Zimbabwe Open University using customer satisfaction theory. The study used qualitative approach. Using Harare Regional Campus as a case study, data were gathered through focus group discussions, one-on-one interviews, document reviews and simple observations. The findings revealed that learner computer anxiety, instructor attitude towards e-learning, e-learning course flexibility, e-learning course quality, internet connectivity (and reliability), interface, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and diversity in assessments, ICT and physical infrastructure, management awareness and support, fiscal and human resources, digital divide and institutional structure were critical factors affecting learners’ perceived satisfaction with e-learning. The findings showed how Zimbabwe Open University could improve learner satisfaction and further strengthen its e-learning implementation. ZOU should develop a robust and seamless and well-integrated ICT management system that links student fees accounts, student database, library and My Vista. The University should provide e-learning course audience feedback in order to gain a deeper understanding of learners’ expectations. Further research should focus on the development of a customised e-learning model for the Zimbabwe Open University.

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Paper Type: Conceptual Paper
Title: The Socio-Economic Impact Due to Cyclone Aila in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
Research Area:  Climate Change
Author(s): Mst. Suriya Tajrin, Babul Hossain

Abstract: Bangladesh is considered one of the most vulnerable countries for climate change in the world because of increased intensity and frequency of natural disasters. Its geographical location makes it prone to many kinds of hazards, e.g. cyclones, floods, earthquakes, etc. which cause huge losses of lives and damage properties, livelihoods, and economic infrastructure. The coastal regions are relatively more vulnerable to frequent natural disaster. This study tries to explore the socio-economic impact of cyclone Aila affected people on the coastal zone of Bangladesh, especially Shyamnagar Upazila under Satkhira district, which is the most affected area.  This study based on secondary data sources that are in agreement with the above background and stated research problem. The analysis of these secondary data assists us in understanding the socio-economic impact of cyclone Aila. Findings show that when cyclone Aila happened that time many roads, culverts, embankment, agricultural field, houses and educational institutes have been damaged. The study also suggests that impact of Aila on study area is severe. Salinity intrusion, freshwater crisis, livelihood pattern change, health, sanitation and malnutrition are caused by this disaster, which also creates other problems. Many people have left their own house and also live very unfavourable life.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Problems of Women Handloom Entrepreneurs in West Tripura District, Tripura
Research Area:  Social Science
Author(s): Ani Debbarma, Dr. V. Jaisee Geetha

Abstract: Women are an integral part of our Society. With the evolving time, women have turned out to be sufficiently striking to begin something new and to demonstrate that women are equal to a man in all fields. The present study ‘Problems of Women Handloom Entrepreneurs in West Tripura District, Tripura’ clarifies about the different issues and deterrents looked by the Women Handloom Entrepreneurs and the social support networks accessible to the Women Handloom Entrepreneurs. It is centered on the tribal women of the province of Tripura and their issues being business people. The study was conducted in the region of fourteen villages of Hezamara, Mandai and Lefunga blocks of West Tripura locale. In the present study, it is discovered that the problem faced by the women is a direct result of the absence of fund, lack of quality product, lack of information and furthermore, because of the act of credit framework. Majority of the respondents are from rural area and they use traditional loin loom for creating handloom items. The purpose of taking up an entrepreneurship is for monetary necessities, requirements for accomplishment, for self-satisfaction and to have financial autonomy. In the present study, convenience sampling has been used for data collection. The study uncovered that majority (44%) of the women entrepreneurs belongs to the age group of 21 to 30 years and the greater parts of them (79%) are literates. The majority (87%) of the respondents have financial crisis i.e. there is a need to make utilization of different schemes given by the Government and spread awareness.

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