Wednesday, March 12, 2025
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science

ISSN(ONLINE) :2521-0793
ISSN :(PRINT) :2521-0785

Volume 1 - Issue 3

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: The Focus of Teaching Ge῾ez Noun and Pronoun Words in Google Newspaper
Research Area:  Linguistics
Author(s): Leuel Tesfasilassie, Prof. Abiy Yigzaw, Dr. Muluken Andualem

Abstract: The Google Newspaper that is being released from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has published many writings on different topics in line with or passing through the press rules and regulations of the country, and one among them has been on the teaching of Ge’ez language (on the column entitled “ማኅበራዊ ፍልስፍና”) that has been for centuries deeply part of life and ethos the country. This has been held to revive the language or to upgrade the language as a spoken one. While that has been focusing on a qualitative study the Google Newspaper and others out of their formal work being alienated in order to plant and make Ge῾ez like the wider language of communication, they  have been exerting a huge amount of effort starting for Ksate Bәrәhan Slama, Täsaʕatu Kidusan, and the church (e.g. the priest and the deacon) at large through writing, learning, teaching, and translating books by themselves and others like ʔiyeb Ludolf with the help of ʔәbba Gorgoryes in 1888.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Does Consent to Sexual Intercourse Imply Consent to Inflict Sexually Transmitted Diseases? : An Assessment under English Law
Research Area: Criminal law
Author(s): Kimia Zaman Kimu 

Abstract: In criminal law “consent” can be applied for accepting an excuse and precluding the defendant from holding legally obliged and responsible for what was caused by him. The law of crime has discussed the matter of non-disclosure of the status of HIV-positive to the partners in involving sex in two perspectives: 1) rape and 2) inflicting grievous bodily harm.  However, the modern law has refused to accept or acknowledge it in the perspective of rape but has integrated it under s. 20 the Offences against the Person Act 1861. The difficulty has invariably been to determine at what point the victim’s consent turns unsuccessful. In England it has been proposed that those with an imperceptible viral load would not be regarded reckless though this matter is not made clear. The courts in England have not considered the issue whether a low or undetectable viral load can act as a defence. Even though the persons with special knowledge accept the complication of affording an accurate or delimited evaluation of the danger of transmitting HIV by sexual means; however, it is admitted that a number of actions bear a reduced amount of danger than others. If someone is HIV+ and does not communicate his HIV status to his partner at the time of sexual intercourse he ought to be liable for rape.  Moreover, for someone to consent to becoming infected by HIV by way of sexual intercourse his or her consent ought to be communicated and the defendant in a criminal proceeding must have a genuine belief in such consent. As a defence of consent, the knowledge of the victim is an inherent part.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: 12th Amendment of Bangladesh Constitution: A Boon or Bane for Good Governance
Research Area:  Social Science
Author(s): Shahajadi Khanom

Abstract: Since 1972 the Constitution of Bangladesh has encountered 16 amendments. Where 4th amendment repealed Westminster model of Parliamentary democracy and introduced Presidential form of government whereas the 12th amendment repealed the 4th amendment of the constitution and reintroduced parliamentary form of government. 12th amendment of the Constitution reintroduced parliamentary democracy but the attitude of the ruling party towards parliament is to bypass the Parliament and to make law through promulgation. On the other hand, the oppositions’ attitude is to boycott the parliament which assists the ruling party to pass any law without any fruitful debate. The political corruption in Bangladesh is much more concerning issue as the history shows that, though there some punishments have been implemented for financial corruption but the implementation of punishment for political corruption is rarely observed. Misuse of democratic rights and accusation and counter accusation game are common practice of the political parties. All over the world democratic government is the most desired form of government and as such democracy as a form of governance is highly appreciated. In the developed counties democracy is well practiced but the practice of democracy in the developing counties needs vast scrutiny. In Bangladesh parliament is seen barely functional and the bureaucracy is found highly politicized. In the Westminster model of parliament separation between executive and legislature can barely think of. If the executive and legislature show unwillingness to respect judicial orders where should the general people go? Democracy and good governance are not incompatible to each other. In Bangladesh, theoretically democracy and good governance coexist but in reality they are far from each other. Both democracy and good governance are necessary for a strong form of government and for the fulfillment of the desire of the people of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has faced a significant number of hardships for ensuring democratic practice in the country. To fulfill the desire of the people at large it is time ensure democracy and good governance to exist with each other in Bangladesh like most of the developed countries.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: The Focus of Teaching Ge῾ez Consonant Sounds in Google Newspaper
Research Area:  Linguistics
Author(s): Leuel Tesfasilassie, Prof. Abiy Yigzaw

Abstract: The   teaching   of   Ge ez   language   has   been   conducted   in   the   Google   Newspaper that has been published in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia; it is a private newspaper which has been permitted to be released according to the Ethiopia press rules and regulations.  On the  part of  the column that is entitled “ማኅበራዊ ፍልስፍና ” which is perhaps to mean “Social Philosophy”, and it is under this column that one finds the subtopic entitled “ትምህርተ ግእዝ ብሔረ ኢትዮዽያ ” that perhaps to mean Teaching Ge‘ez and/or Ethiopianism”. This section of the newspaper attempts to revive the language skills of-listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Based on the frequency count, percentage, and a two tailed t-test the following argument was developed. Although there is an attempt to revive the Ge‘ez consonant through the Google Newspaper; nevertheless, little attention has been given to some consonants, or the consonant sounds vary in type. Therefore, the trend of focusing on the consonant sounds in general is not significantly different between months of publication, and the Google Newspaper  should focus  on sounds based  on the  gaps  expected  learners  have. Thus, the sound has appeared to show the status of the later language rather than the earliest/ the ancient writing system.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: M-Governance as a Remedy to Service Delivery in Zimbabwean Local Governments: The M-DATA Project of the City of Mutare
Research Area: Social Science
Author(s): Muneyi Rewayi Muchanyuka, Richard Fotsin 

Abstract: Governance and public administration in general were not spared by the internet revolution of the 1990s. Resultantly governance the world over is rapidly becoming electronic and virtual. This led to the advent of e-governance and m-governance. In light of this development, the paper assessed how the service delivery of local governments in Zimbabwe has responded to the introduction of m-governance. The assessment is based on the Zimbabwean case study of the M-DATA project of 2015. The project was implemented by the City of Mutare’s local government in collaboration with various civil society and non-governmental organisations.  The study among many other things, sought to ascertain the impact of the M-DATA project on service delivery by the City of Mutare local government and to examine the factors which explain the current contribution of the M-DATA towards service delivery. The study was conducted through in-depth, face to face and semi-structured interviews with council administrators and the development partners. Questionnaires were also distributed to citizens dwelling in 10 of the 19 wards in the City of Mutare. The study reached the conclusion that the city’s attempt at m-governance was strangled by the fact that technology alone cannot improve service delivery, but rather it needs the support of several under-lying factors. Recommendations targeted at the Zimbabwean central and local governments, the NGOs and civil society were also made to improve the M-DATA project and m-governance in Mutare and Zimbabwe at large.

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Paper Type: Concept Paper
Title: Islamic Fiscal Policy and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: An Expository Assesment of the Abbasid Caliphate
Research Area: Islamic Studies
Author(s): Muhammad Maga Sule, Adam Yusuf Adam 

Abstract: Islam is a driven religion that has well-defined values and principles on fiscal policies enshrined in Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).Consequently, Nigeria is a developing country that lacks well-structured fiscal policies that will enable it harness ways of generating income less to execute project that will improve the standard of life and living of its people. In this paper, an attempt is made through analytical method to assess the Islamic fiscal policies used by the Abbasid dynasty in lifting up the standard of life of their people and to ensure that sustainable development is achieved. Nigeria, as a developing country, which finds it hard to turn its human and natural resources into a progressive platform to establish social justice that will lead to sustainable development. The paper, therefore, suggested that if Nigeria can use such fiscal policies as that of the Abbasid dynasty, wisely and judiciously, will truly achieve sustainable development.

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