Thursday, March 13, 2025
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science

ISSN(ONLINE) :2521-0793
ISSN :(PRINT) :2521-0785

Volume 1 - Issue 1

Paper Type: Research Paper
Title:  Social Media Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century: The Present Threats to the World
Research Area:  Law and Social Science
Author(s): Md. Sazzad Hossain

Abstract: The social media terrorism has become the most concerning issue to the world. Defining terrorism is a controversial issue to the scholars. The international terrorist groups are found behind the increasing number of the terrorist incidents across the world. There is interplay between home ground terrorist groups and international terrorist organizations and social media has central role in accelerating the situations. Through qualitative analyzing this paper will examine the present threats of the social media terrorism in the 21st centuries. The close relationship between social media and terrorism is another reason of frequent terrorist incidents across the world. Terrorist organizations are, including especially Islamic State, preferring to use social media platforms for recruiting, training and communicating with their followers, supporters, donors as it is cheaper, easier, faster and effective method of communication. The members of the terrorist organizations are spreading their ideological thoughts, propaganda, and their activities to the world by using social media platforms. Without having any effective international regulatory mechanism on the social media, the social media terrorism is threatening the peace and security of the world.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Legal Right of Fetus: A Myth or Fact
Research Area:  Law
Author(s): Md. Rafiqul Islam Hossaini

Abstract: Protection of human life has been extended to the protection of unborn child under the common law. In English law foetus has no legal right of its own until it is born alive and separated from its mother. The right to life of the unborn foetus is restricted or limited subject to the right to life of the mother. There are two types of legal liability for killing a child which subsequently dies after birth. They are: (1) Criminal liability (murder or manslaughter) and (2) Civil liability (medical negligence). Moreover, for killing an unborn child in the womb or damaging a foetus in the womb potential specific liabilities may arise both in the UK and Bangladesh. Apart from this, for considering the legal rights of foetus, the common law defence of necessity is a significant issue and a matter of academic debate.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Islamic Law of Personal Status: Analysis of the Reforms of Islamic Family Law in Various Muslim Countries
Research Area:  Law and Social Science
Author(s): Abdullah Al Mamun

Abstract: In the world one of the major legal systems is governed by Islamic law. Though some countries have modified the system, most of the Arab countries follow the Islamic legal system. Some countries, particularly countries with majority Muslim population, recognize Islam as their state religion and that their legal system shall run in conformity with the religion of Islam. However, Islamic legal system is not followed by only Muslim countries rather it is also followed by some secular countries (like-India, Bangladesh) to determine the rights and obligation of their citizen respecting the Islamic family law matters. Islamic law of personal status is an exceptional form of law which is not only important for the Muslim countries but also important for no-Muslim or secular countries as it is the right of the Muslims to be regulated and adjudicated by the Islamic law of personal status. It is undoubtedly accepted that, Islamic family law has been gone through several significant reform and amendments. But the authority of such reforms and amendments cannot be doubted as the reform and amendments are done by following the rules and regulations of the major schools and sects of Islam as well as by following the juristic interpretation of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title: Use and Impact of Electronic Resources: A Study on Two Selected Academic Libraries
Research Area:  Humanities and Social Science
Author(s): Somaya Binta Hossaini

Abstract: The advent of information technology has made a clear and pervasive impact in almost every are of library services. As such, the library environment has undergone a rapid changes leading to new generation of libraries with an emphasis on electronic resources. Moreover, as the popularity of electronic resources increases, the librarians and staff are also concerned about electronic resources, their methods, accessing, evaluation, selection, organization etc. In this paper, an paper attempt has been made to show the existing situation of electronic resources in some academic library in Dhaka city. The study also shows the benefit of using e-resources, problems that are faced by the users when accessing electronic resources and the perceived impact of e-resources on academic library users. Now-a-days electronic resources have changed the overall library systems and services. Where a decade ago most online information seeking still took place in libraries and information centers and was concerned primarily with scholarly and technical bibliographic database, now it is much more prevalent in the workplace and the home, and literally anyone might be seated at the computer.

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Paper Type: Research Paper
Title:  Human Rights: Distinction between Human Rights of Men and Human Rights of Women Makes Very Little Sense
Research Area:  Social Science
Author(s): Dr. Dil Rowshon Zinnat Ara Nazneen

Abstract: Human rights are those rights that the man and women inherit as a human being. Meaning that, being a human being they are subject to the protection of certain universal rules and regulations. As these rights are common for all human beings, they are generally called inevitable rights. Equality of human rights is an important method for the protection of human rights in national and international perspective. If the human rights do not equally cover all humanity at large, the concept of human rights makes no sense. As a human being both man and women are subject to the enjoyment of certain rights particularly the fundamental human rights like right to get health food, water and sanitation, right to get proper education, healthcare and decent works as well as the right to property, housing, shelter and freedom to perform their religion. In this regard the distinction between the rights of man and women makes very little sense. However, being the vulnerable sects of the society some specific rights of women like freedom from torture, violence, trafficking and inhuman behavior shall be protected for ensuring equality and universality of the human rights.

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