Friday, March 14, 2025
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science

ISSN(ONLINE) :2521-0793
ISSN :(PRINT) :2521-0785

International Journal of Law, Humanities and Social Science (IJLHSS) is dedicated to help the author’s with all the information about writing a manuscript and what they need to do during publication process as well as even after publication. A brief to write the journal paper, overview of publication process and expected time duration to publish a manuscript are mentioned here:

How to write a journal article

International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social science (IJLHSS) offers the opportunity to publish Research Paper, Informative Article, Case Study, Book Review, Conceptual Paper, Comparative Study, Dissertation Chapter, Synopsis, Thesis paper etc. Author must use Microsoft Word while submitting the paper to International Journal of Law, Humanities and Social Science. In order to publish article in this international journal, font should be in Times New Roman and Font size 12. Lines are to be justified at both left and right margins. Page Margins should be one inch (1”) from all sides. Paper Size is to be in A4 size. Single line spacing must be used. All Pages need to be numbered at the bottom right of the page. The word limit is expected to be within 3000 to 6000 words. Editorial board may consider any article, if it is shorter than 3000 words or more than 6000 words, depending on the significance of the research work. The language of article must be in English. Headings must be in BOLD FORMAT and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in ITALIC.

Front Page: It should contain: Title of the paper, Author’s name(s), Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Research area, and Paper Type.

Article Title: The title must be as short as possible.

Abstract : Abstract must not be more than 250 words.

Keywords : Maximum 5 (five) relevant words.

Text Pages: The body of the paper includes main texts with headings and sub-headings,  tables, figures with figure captions, references, etc.

Figures: All figures (including graphs, drawings and photos) should have titles with chronological numbers, appropriate captions be placed below the figures.

Tables: All tables to be titled and numbered sequentially. Source(s) or note(s) are to be placed immediately below the table. Single- spaces are to be maintained throughout the lines of the table.

References: Authors are encouraged to follow APA referencing style.

Headings & Sub-headings: Headings must be precise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchies of headings. The preferred format is: first level headings to be presented in bold format and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in italic..

Notes/Endnotes: Notes or Endnotes should be used only, if absolutely necessary.

Acknowledgement: Author may include an acknowledgement (if necessary) after the Conclusion.

To know details about every section mentioned above, see the guideline for author. The authors are requested to use the editable sample template which is available to download. Click here to download the paper template.

How to write a journal paper

Author must use Microsoft Word while submitting the paper to International Journal of Law, Humanities and Social Science. In order to publish article in this international journal, font will be in Times New Roman and Font size 12. Lines are to be justified at both left and right margins. Page Margins should be one inch (1”) from all sides. Paper Size is to be A4 size. Single line spacing must be used. All Pages need to be numbered at the bottom right of the page. The word limit is expected to be within 3000 to 6000 words. The language of article must be in English. Headings must be in BOLD FORMAT and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in ITALIC.


Author must use Microsoft Word while submitting the paper to International Journal of Law, Humanities and Social Science. In order to publish article in this international journal, font will be in Times New Roman and Font size 12. Lines are to be justified at both left and right margins. Page Margins should be one inch (1”) from all sides. Paper Size is to be A4 size. Single line spacing must be used. All Pages need to be numbered at the bottom right of the page. The word limit is expected to be within 3000 to 6000 words. The language of article must be in English. Headings must be in BOLD FORMAT and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in ITALIC.

Front Page: It should contain: Title of the paper, Author’s name(s), Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Research area, and Paper Type.

      Article Title: The title must be as short as possible.
      Abstract: Abstract must not be more than 250 words.
      Keywords: Maximum 5 (five) relevant words.

Text Pages: The body of the paper includes text, references, end notes, tables, figure captions, figures etc.

Figures: All figures (including graphs, drawings and photos) should have titles with chronological numbers, appropriate captions be placed below the figures.
Tables: All tables to be titled and numbered sequentially. Source(s) or note(s) are to be placed immediately below the table. Single- spaces are to be maintained throughout the lines of the table.
References: Authors are encouraged to follow APA referencing style.

Text Pages: The body of the paper includes text, references, end notes, tables, figure captions, figures etc.

Figures: All figures (including graphs, drawings and photos) should have titles with chronological numbers, appropriate captions be placed below the figures.
Tables: All tables to be titled and numbered sequentially. Source(s) or note(s) are to be placed immediately below the table. Single- spaces are to be maintained throughout the lines of the table.
References: Authors are encouraged to follow APA referencing style.


  • Submit your manuscript to:
  • Receive acknowledgement of submission within 24 hours.
  • Receive review report within approximately 2 weeks.
  • Provide revision according to the review report (if needed) and re-submit the manuscript to:
  • Receive payment request after being selected for publication.
  • Pay publication fee.
  • Send proof of the payment along with signed copyright declaration to:
  • Receive confirmation for publication along with volume and issue no.

You are requested to look at the Publication process, if you are interested to know the details about this section.

Publication time

International Journal of Law, Humanities and Social Science is aware of the fact that nothing is more precious than the author’s valuable time. If the above mentioned publication process is followed accordingly, Author(s) can expect that their manuscript will be published within a month.